.emacs Refinancing (or creating the base of an Emacs config)

Whether to Declare Bankruptcy or to Refinance In the Emacs community, there is something called .emacs bankruptcy, which is when your init file gets too large and cumbersome that you need start over from scratch. As someone who tends to love messing with config files a little too much, I knew that I would eventually run into this if I started really using Emacs. That is why, when I really started to use Emacs, started with a literate config file in org-mode and used use-package for configuration.…
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Restarting with ox-hugo

Hello World v2.0 I have had some extra time on my hands in the past few months due to COVID, so one of the things I decided to do to keep my mind occupied was to restart this site. My goal is to post something every few months at least, so I wanted to come up with at least three posts before I really thought about how I was going to handle the technical side of things.…
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Pelican and Org Mode

One of the first things you need to do after deciding to start a blog, is setting one up. So I figured it would be appopropriate that the first post of my blog is about how I set this up. My requirements are fairly simple: be able to write content using Emacs' org-mode create a static site preferably written in a language I know This led me down a path of looking at and trying a few different static site generators.…
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